Dr. George Crabb

Dr. Crabb was born and raised in Southeast Michigan. He was raised in a Christian home by his parents, Pastor George and Donna Crabb. He became a believer in the Lord Jesus when he was 13 years of age. He graduated from Christian school education in 1983 and pursued an undergraduate degree in Biology at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan. During his undergraduate studies the Lord called him to preach. He immediately submitted to that call and started serving the Lord with his father who was the Senior Pastor of Antioch Baptist Church in Warren Michigan.

After finishing his undergraduate studies he was accepted in 1986 to Des Moines University – College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery in Des Moines, Iowa. While obtaining his medical degree he continued to remain active in the local church in teaching and preaching the Bible. He obtained his medical degree in 1990 finishing number one in his class out of 185 students.

He returned to Michigan were he completed a one year internship program followed by a two and a half year residency in Internal Medicine at St. John Oakland Hospital. During the entire time of his training he never forgot about the call of God on his life to preach the truths of the Bible. Dr. Crabb found that God was designing a unique ministry were Dr. Crabb could use the medical field with all of its experiences and analogies in teaching and preaching the Bible and one day reaching the addicted.

After completing his training and becoming a Board Certified Internist, Dr. Crabb entered private practice in the Metro-Detroit area. For the next 14 years Dr. Crabb practiced medicine and assisted his father (and pastor) in the ministry. It was during this time that God lead him to have a specific interest in Addiction Medicine. Dr. Crabb took special courses to further his knowledge in this area of medicine including comprehensive courses that certified him by the Drug Enforcement Agency. This allowed him the ability to treat patients with a medicine called Suboxone. It was also during this time that God lead him to write his first book, “Just Say Know, God’s Answer to Addiction.” (Published by Reformers Unanimous International)

During this same time Dr. Crabb and his father introduced a new ministry to Antioch Baptist Church called Reformers Unanimous International (RU). RU is a faith based addictions program which helps churches reach out to their communities in order to help the addicted and their families.

Through Reformers Unanimous coming to his church Dr. Crabb became acquainted with RU’s Founder and President Steven Curington. God wonderfully developed a friendship between these two men and they began working together to minister to the addicted across our nation and even our world. Dr. Crabb currently practices Internal Medicine and Addiction Medicine in Naples, Florida.

He is a member of the American Society of Addiction Medicine and the American Osteopathic Academy of Addiction Medicine and the Christian Medical Dental Association. He continues to work very closely with RU as their Staff Physician and Medical Advisor. Dr. Crabb has authored numerous books on drug addiction, pornography and depression. Dr. Crabb actively travels putting on seminars and teaching and preaching from the Bible regarding the woes of addiction but more importantly the freedom an individual can have from their addiction through the Truth.


  • Sunday Mornings
    Speakers: Bro. Anthony Gordon , Bro. Ben Farrell , Bro. Bill Prater , Bro. Bob Barber , Bro. Bobby Brown , Bro. Daniel Van Gelderen , Bro. David Frazie , Bro. David Pugh , Bro. Gabe Ruhl , Bro. Larry Norman , Bro. Mark Fowler , Bro. Mike Cinereski , Bro. Steve Volante , Bro. Taylor Gillaspie , Bro. Tony Sengmany , Bro. Will Cover , Dr. Al Reichman , Dr. Bill Patterson , Dr. Charles Keen , Dr. Charles Wetherbee , Dr. Clyde Box , Dr. Dan Knickerbocker , Dr. Don Sisk , Dr. Gary Coleman , Dr. Gene Burge , Dr. George Crabb , Dr. Jim Schettler , Dr. Jon Lands , Dr. Ken Fielder , Dr. Mike Edwards , Dr. Mike Patterson , Dr. O.S. Hawkins , Dr. Raymond Barber , Dr. Roger Green , Dr. Scott Pauley , Dr. Terry Riggsby , Dr. Tim Lee , Dr. Tom Wallace , Dr. W. W. Weaver , Evangelist Adrian Burden , Evangelist Andrew Johnson , Evangelist Benjamin Burks , Evangelist Byron Foxx , Evangelist Caleb Garraway , Evangelist Dave Young , Evangelist Eric Goetsch , Evangelist Morris Gleiser , Evangelist Sam Wood , Evangelist Taylor Gillaspie , Pastor Tyler Gillit , Rev. Troy Todd
  • Sunday Evenings
    Speakers: Bro. Alan Harris , Bro. Bill Barber , Bro. Bill Prater , Bro. Bill Smith , Bro. Bob Mann , Bro. Bobby Brown , Bro. Chase Whitten , Bro. Cory McGuire , Bro. Damon McGuire , Bro. Danny Jones , Bro. David Frazie , Bro. Don McMillan , Bro. Doug Wyler , Bro. Earl Sides , Bro. Gabe Ruhl , Bro. Glenn Phipps , Bro. Harold Gilmer , Bro. Jerry Ferrso , Bro. Joshua Marquardt , Bro. Kenneth Ralph , Bro. Kirk Kirkland , Bro. Larry Norman , Bro. Lloyd William , Bro. Mark Fowler , Bro. Mark Herbster , Bro. Micah Herbster , Bro. Mike Herbster , Bro. Nathan Howard , Bro. Paul Gaymon , Bro. Steve Earlywine , Bro. Steve Lindsey , Bro. Steve Volante , Bro. Taylor Gillaspie , Bro. Tony Applegate , Bro. Tony Roa , Bro. Tony Sengmany , Bro. Zachary Gillit , Dr. Al Reichman , Dr. Bill Patterson , Dr. Charles Keen , Dr. Charles Wetherbee , Dr. Clyde Box , Dr. Dan Knickerbocker , Dr. David Anderson , Dr. David Gibbs III , Dr. Don Sisk , Dr. Don Smith , Dr. Gary Coleman , Dr. George Crabb , Dr. J. C. House , Dr. Jim Schettler , Dr. John Collier , Dr. Jon Lands , Dr. Jonathan Stewart , Dr. Ken Fielder , Dr. Mark Rasmussen , Dr. Mike Edwards , Dr. Mike Patterson , Dr. R.B. Oulette , Dr. Raymond Barber , Dr. Roger Green , Dr. Ron Maggard , Dr. Scott Pauley , Dr. Terry Riggsby , Dr. Tim Lee , Dr. Tom Wallace , Dr. W. W. Weaver , Evangelist Adrian Burden , Evangelist Andrew Johnson , Evangelist Ben Everson , Evangelist Benjamin Burks , Evangelist Caleb Garraway , Evangelist Dave Young , Evangelist Eric Goetsch , Evangelist Morris Gleiser , Evangelist Sam Wood , Evangelist Taylor Gillaspie , Pastor Paul Bolivar , Pastor Tyler Gillit
  • Visiting Preachers
    Speakers: Bro. Angel Farias , Bro. Bob Mann , Bro. Brien Deverick , Bro. Cory McGuire , Bro. Darren Myers , Bro. Doug Wyler , Bro. Isac Rodriguez , Bro. Jerry Brewster , Bro. Larry Norman , Bro. Mike Herbster , Bro. Paul Gaymon , Bro. Rich Tozour , Bro. Taylor Gillaspie , Bro. Tim Matthews , Bro. Timothy Kuhn , Bro. Will Berry , Dr. Bob Wallace , Dr. Charles Keen , Dr. Chesford Carr , Dr. Clarence Sexton , Dr. Curtis Hutson , Dr. Dan Knickerbocker , Dr. David Gibbs III , Dr. Gary Coleman , Dr. George Crabb , Dr. J. C. House , Dr. Jim Schettler , Dr. Jonathan Stewart , Dr. Mark Rasmussen , Dr. Raymond Barber , Dr. Scott Pauley , Dr. Tim Lee , Evangelist Benjamin Burks