Dr. Clyde Box

Clyde went home to be with Jesus, Saturday, March the 18th. He was born Feb 6, 1932 and grew up in Oak Cliff, Texas. Many years later in his twenties his life would be changed forever by two different events. The first being that he would meet the woman that would become his wife and "his Betty". She was the love of his life and his world revolved around her. They would spend more than 6 decades together with a special love for each other that was evident to anyone that was in their presence. The second event happened at the age of 28 when the Lord saw Clyde and whispered in his ear "Come follow me". He answered that call and followed the Lord from that moment forward. It was a decision that not only changed Clyde's life forever but also impacted the thousands of lives that he would come in contact with in his ministry over the next 57 years.

Clyde was the founder and pastor of Brook Hollow Baptist Church in DeSoto, Texas. His aggressive and compassionate ministry experienced enormous growth and blessings from its very conception in January of 1967. From a humble beginning of 65, the Sunday school grew to average more than 1,200 attendants. This was largely due to Clyde’s leadership and emphasis on evangelism. For this reason he was also responsible for more than 25 young men preaching and pastoring around the United States with more than a dozen in the mission field. He loved the Lord with his whole heart and wanted to share it with as many people as he could. Dr. Box was known an evangelist preacher and was highly regarded for his work in Bible Conferences across America. Clyde also wrote several books to include the Folded Napkin and the Poetry of Preaching that shared some of his most loved sermons and poetry that will continue his legacy of sharing God's Word forever.

Clyde had a large family that he enjoyed spending time with very much. He loved to spoil his four girls who were all the subjects of his attention every chance he got. Family time was at the top of his list and he loved family gatherings where everyone came to enjoy the company of each other and grow closer. He and Betty knew how to entertain and make you feel at home when you were at their house. Meme could cook some of the most delicious food and give hugs that would melt your heart while Clyde would work the room entertaining with stories and laughter.

He was one of those people that drew you to him like gravity. When you met him you could not help but to love him because it was evident the love that he had for you. He was Clyde to many but Papa to most everyone because no matter who you were he made you feel like family. His incredible life full of love for the Lord, love for his Betty and his family, along with all of the amazing people, places and stories can only be explained by the touch of the Masters Hand. The napkin is still folded and we will see you again Papa.

  • Sunday Mornings
    Speakers: Bro. Anthony Gordon , Bro. Ben Farrell , Bro. Benjamin Burks , Bro. Bill Prater , Bro. Bob Barber , Bro. Bobby Brown , Bro. Daniel Van Gelderen , Bro. David Frazie , Bro. David Pugh , Bro. Gabe Ruhl , Bro. Larry Norman , Bro. Mark Fowler , Bro. Mike Cinereski , Bro. Steve Volante , Bro. Taylor Gillaspie , Bro. Tony Sengmany , Bro. Will Cover , Dr. Al Reichman , Dr. Bill Patterson , Dr. Charles Keen , Dr. Charles Wetherbee , Dr. Clyde Box , Dr. Dan Knickerbocker , Dr. Don Sisk , Dr. Gary Coleman , Dr. Gene Burge , Dr. George Crabb , Dr. Jim Schettler , Dr. Jon Lands , Dr. Ken Fielder , Dr. Mike Edwards , Dr. Mike Patterson , Dr. O.S. Hawkins , Dr. Raymond Barber , Dr. Roger Green , Dr. Scott Pauley , Dr. Terry Riggsby , Dr. Tim Lee , Dr. Tom Wallace , Dr. W. W. Weaver , Evangelist Adrian Burden , Evangelist Andrew Johnson , Evangelist Byron Foxx , Evangelist Caleb Garraway , Evangelist Dave Young , Evangelist Eric Goetsch , Evangelist Morris Gleiser , Evangelist Sam Wood , Evangelist Taylor Gillaspie , Pastor Tyler Gillit , Rev. Troy Todd
  • Sunday Evenings
    Speakers: Bro. Alan Harris , Bro. Benjamin Burks , Bro. Bill Barber , Bro. Bill Prater , Bro. Bill Smith , Bro. Bob Mann , Bro. Bobby Brown , Bro. Chase Whitten , Bro. Cory McGuire , Bro. Damon McGuire , Bro. Danny Jones , Bro. David Frazie , Bro. Don McMillan , Bro. Doug Wyler , Bro. Earl Sides , Bro. Gabe Ruhl , Bro. Glenn Phipps , Bro. Harold Gilmer , Bro. Jerry Ferrso , Bro. Joshua Marquardt , Bro. Kenneth Ralph , Bro. Kirk Kirkland , Bro. Larry Norman , Bro. Lloyd William , Bro. Mark Fowler , Bro. Mark Herbster , Bro. Micah Herbster , Bro. Mike Herbster , Bro. Nathan Howard , Bro. Paul Gaymon , Bro. Steve Earlywine , Bro. Steve Lindsey , Bro. Steve Volante , Bro. Taylor Gillaspie , Bro. Tony Applegate , Bro. Tony Roa , Bro. Tony Sengmany , Bro. Zachary Gillit , Dr. Al Reichman , Dr. Bill Patterson , Dr. Charles Keen , Dr. Charles Wetherbee , Dr. Clyde Box , Dr. Dan Knickerbocker , Dr. David Anderson , Dr. David Gibbs III , Dr. Don Sisk , Dr. Don Smith , Dr. Gary Coleman , Dr. George Crabb , Dr. J. C. House , Dr. Jim Schettler , Dr. John Collier , Dr. Jon Lands , Dr. Jonathan Stewart , Dr. Ken Fielder , Dr. Mark Rasmussen , Dr. Mike Edwards , Dr. Mike Patterson , Dr. R.B. Oulette , Dr. Raymond Barber , Dr. Roger Green , Dr. Ron Maggard , Dr. Scott Pauley , Dr. Terry Riggsby , Dr. Tim Lee , Dr. Tom Wallace , Dr. W. W. Weaver , Evangelist Adrian Burden , Evangelist Andrew Johnson , Evangelist Ben Everson , Evangelist Caleb Garraway , Evangelist Dave Young , Evangelist Eric Goetsch , Evangelist Morris Gleiser , Evangelist Sam Wood , Evangelist Taylor Gillaspie , Pastor Paul Bolivar , Pastor Tyler Gillit