Sunday Mornings
Speakers: Bro. Anthony Gordon ,Bro. Bill Prater

Bro. Prater now serves as Staff Evangelist. He, and Katie, will serve as mentors to pastors around the country, preaching in revivals, missions conferences, marriage retreats, and in various other capacities.
In addition to his ministry to Fellowship Baptist Church, Bro. Prater also serves the community of Liberal as a board member and facilitator for the Leadership Enrichment and Development group, and as a chaplain and patrol officer for the Liberal Police Department. In 2022, he was voted given the Officer of the Year Award by his fellow officers.
Bro. Prater and his wife Katie have two married sons, T. J. and Tyler, one daughter, Tiffany, and eight grandchildren, Boston, Malorie, Kevin, Ellie, Huck, Callie, Leroy and Turner Rex.
Bro. Bob Barber

Bro. R. J. Barber, Jr. (Bob), is the brother of Dr. Raymond Barber, and was the founder and starting pastor of Worth Baptist Temple (later changed to Worth Baptist Church). He pastored from 1954 till returning to Virginia to pastor his father's church after his passing in 1961. His life verse was Romans 1:15.
He was born on December 21, 1927, in Reidsville, N.C., a son of Robert and Maggie Barber. He completed studies at the Bible Baptist Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, and began his ministry in Everman, Texas. He later founded Worth Baptist Church in Fort Worth, where he served until the death of his father, Dr. R. J. Barber, in 1961. He returned to Danville to take his father's pastorate at the Baptist Tabernacle, and under his leadership the church experienced tremendous growth. Due to health issues, Bro. Bob resigned from full-time ministry at the Tabernacle in 1986. He later pastored Spring Garden Community Church and Shiloh Baptist Church in Milton, North Carolina. Throughout the years, Rev. Barber continued a daily broadcast known as Tabernacle Time, began by his father in 1932. By his appearance, demeanor, and voice, Rev. Barber was quickly identified wherever he went within the radius of Tabernacle Time. His voice invariably brought a smile, a handshake, or some encounter with a stranger. Tabernacle Time remains the longest running daily religious radio broadcast in the world. In 2011, Rev. Barber was honored with a Virginia Joint House resolution acknowledging his 50 years of broadcasting. Tabernacle Time has touched, reached, and blessed untold multitudes for Christ throughout its 86 years on the air. Bro. Bob comes from a family of outstanding preachers and personalities.
Reverend R. J. Barber, Jr.
Founder - Pastor
Bro. Steve Volante

Missions Pastor, Worth Baptist Church, and Missionary to Ghana West Africa
Pastor Stephen Volante was born just outside Boston, but was raised in both Rhode Island and Western Massachusetts. He married his high school sweetheart Laurel Towne from Northampton, and trained to be an engineer at Holyoke Community College in Holyoke, Massachusetts. After working ten years in many types of building construction, Steve felt God’s call to the ministry. He received his training at Heritage Baptist Institute of the Bible, in New England.
During a mission’s conference in his home church pastored at that time by his father, John Volante, he surrendered to serve the Lord as a missionary wherever God would call him. On a mission’s trip to Ghana to visit John Hayes, God spoke clearly to Steve’s heart. He and Laurel left to serve the Lord in Ghana in August of 1995. God was mightily blessing the work, and many were receiving Christ as Savior. However, in March of 1997, God called Laurel home to glory. Steve returned to the USA broken wondering how God would help him raise their three dear children alone. Like only God can do, he brought Missionary Michelle Tilson into Steve’s life to help him live and dream again. They were married on August 29, 1998, and returned to Ghana a year later to continue the work God had entrusted to Steve’s care.
Steve is currently serving as the mission’s pastor here at Worth Baptist Church, while serving as the General Director and African Director for Mount Abarim Baptist Missions. Steve still serves as the senior pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, in Techiman dividing his time between the USA and Africa.
Bro. Taylor Gillaspie

Taylor Gillaspie was born and raised in Cleburne, TX. He was brought up in a Christian home and attended public school. He accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour when he was eight years old at his church. As a teenager, he began distancing himself from God, his parents and his church. At sixteen, he returned to the Lord and began to grow spiritually, serve at his church and witness at his public high school. A year later he was called to preach. Through Bible college and summer ministries God confirmed in his heart the specific call to full-time evangelism and revival work. Today he travels the country preaching the Bible in churches, Christian schools and camps. Taylor and his wife, Jessica, have been married for five years and are sent out of Gospel Light Baptist Church in Rogers, AR.
Dr. Al Reichman

Dr. Al Reichman comes from a long line of orthodox rabbis. His paternal grandfather, an orthodox rabbi, immigrated to the United States from Austria. His first exposure to the Gospel was at the age of 8, when a friend invited him to attend a Vacation Bible School. Despite his active attendance in church, it was not until he was a teenager that he finally came to accept Christ as his Savior.
In 1975 he enrolled in Baptist Bible College in Springfield, Missouri. Upon graduating in 1979 with a BA in Theology, Al was ordained. He and his wife, Michele, embarked on a 17 year pastoral ministry and the continuation of his education. He earned his Master of Theology and Doctor of Theology degrees from Bethany Theological Seminary in Dothan, Alabama.
In 2013 the Lord led Al to launch Ahavath Messiah Ministries (Love of Messiah Ministries), where he continues to labor to bring the Gospel to Jewish people, as well as encouraging and teaching churches to do the same.
Al and Michele Reichman are members of Worth Baptist Church.
Dr. Bill Patterson

Dr. Bill and Marcy Patterson's main focus has been Bible translation and church planting, but they have also worked in training Bible translators, establishing Bible institutes, developing ministries for youth and children, and speaking in conferences. Dr. Patterson is the President of Mount Abarim Baptist Mission International and the Director of the Bethesda Children’s Homes in Tlapa, Mexico. They are member missionaries of Worth Baptist Church.
Dr. Charles Keen

Charles Keen is Pastor Emeritus of First Baptist Church/Milford Ohio and the Founding Pastor of Bearing Precious Seed and First Bible International.
Dr. Clyde Box

Clyde went home to be with Jesus, Saturday, March the 18th. He was born Feb 6, 1932 and grew up in Oak Cliff, Texas. Many years later in his twenties his life would be changed forever by two different events. The first being that he would meet the woman that would become his wife and "his Betty". She was the love of his life and his world revolved around her. They would spend more than 6 decades together with a special love for each other that was evident to anyone that was in their presence. The second event happened at the age of 28 when the Lord saw Clyde and whispered in his ear "Come follow me". He answered that call and followed the Lord from that moment forward. It was a decision that not only changed Clyde's life forever but also impacted the thousands of lives that he would come in contact with in his ministry over the next 57 years.
Clyde was the founder and pastor of Brook Hollow Baptist Church in DeSoto, Texas. His aggressive and compassionate ministry experienced enormous growth and blessings from its very conception in January of 1967. From a humble beginning of 65, the Sunday school grew to average more than 1,200 attendants. This was largely due to Clyde’s leadership and emphasis on evangelism. For this reason he was also responsible for more than 25 young men preaching and pastoring around the United States with more than a dozen in the mission field. He loved the Lord with his whole heart and wanted to share it with as many people as he could. Dr. Box was known an evangelist preacher and was highly regarded for his work in Bible Conferences across America. Clyde also wrote several books to include the Folded Napkin and the Poetry of Preaching that shared some of his most loved sermons and poetry that will continue his legacy of sharing God's Word forever.
Clyde had a large family that he enjoyed spending time with very much. He loved to spoil his four girls who were all the subjects of his attention every chance he got. Family time was at the top of his list and he loved family gatherings where everyone came to enjoy the company of each other and grow closer. He and Betty knew how to entertain and make you feel at home when you were at their house. Meme could cook some of the most delicious food and give hugs that would melt your heart while Clyde would work the room entertaining with stories and laughter.
He was one of those people that drew you to him like gravity. When you met him you could not help but to love him because it was evident the love that he had for you. He was Clyde to many but Papa to most everyone because no matter who you were he made you feel like family. His incredible life full of love for the Lord, love for his Betty and his family, along with all of the amazing people, places and stories can only be explained by the touch of the Masters Hand. The napkin is still folded and we will see you again Papa.
Dr. Don Sisk

Dr. Don Sisk was called to preach at the age of 21. He has pastored several churches, including some during his college years and another in Kentucky four years after graduation. Before beginning his missionary work in Japan, he served as associate pastor at Calvary Baptist Church in Harvey, Illinois.
In 1965, he went to Japan with Baptist International Missions, Inc.(BIMI) There the Lord established two churches, on in Osaka and one in Kobe. Dr. Sisk also helped to establish the Kansai Independent Baptist Bible School and became the first president of the school. He served as Far East Director with BIMI for ten years and then continued with the mission agency as President and General Director for nineteen years.
From 2003 to 2017, Dr. Sisk serves as the chairman of the Missions Department of West Coast Baptist College, a ministry of Lancaster Baptist Church in Lancaster, California.
Dr. Sisk currently serves as President/General Director Emeritus of BIMI. The mission has 800 plus missionaries serving in over 100 fields around the world. He has traveled and preached in approximately eighty different countries. He travels to preach in mission conferences, Bible colleges, seminaries, and churches around the world, encouraging and training missionaries.
Dr. George Crabb

Dr. Crabb was born and raised in Southeast Michigan. He was raised in a Christian home by his parents, Pastor George and Donna Crabb. He became a believer in the Lord Jesus when he was 13 years of age. He graduated from Christian school education in 1983 and pursued an undergraduate degree in Biology at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan. During his undergraduate studies the Lord called him to preach. He immediately submitted to that call and started serving the Lord with his father who was the Senior Pastor of Antioch Baptist Church in Warren Michigan.
After finishing his undergraduate studies he was accepted in 1986 to Des Moines University – College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery in Des Moines, Iowa. While obtaining his medical degree he continued to remain active in the local church in teaching and preaching the Bible. He obtained his medical degree in 1990 finishing number one in his class out of 185 students.
He returned to Michigan were he completed a one year internship program followed by a two and a half year residency in Internal Medicine at St. John Oakland Hospital. During the entire time of his training he never forgot about the call of God on his life to preach the truths of the Bible. Dr. Crabb found that God was designing a unique ministry were Dr. Crabb could use the medical field with all of its experiences and analogies in teaching and preaching the Bible and one day reaching the addicted.
After completing his training and becoming a Board Certified Internist, Dr. Crabb entered private practice in the Metro-Detroit area. For the next 14 years Dr. Crabb practiced medicine and assisted his father (and pastor) in the ministry. It was during this time that God lead him to have a specific interest in Addiction Medicine. Dr. Crabb took special courses to further his knowledge in this area of medicine including comprehensive courses that certified him by the Drug Enforcement Agency. This allowed him the ability to treat patients with a medicine called Suboxone. It was also during this time that God lead him to write his first book, “Just Say Know, God’s Answer to Addiction.” (Published by Reformers Unanimous International)
During this same time Dr. Crabb and his father introduced a new ministry to Antioch Baptist Church called Reformers Unanimous International (RU). RU is a faith based addictions program which helps churches reach out to their communities in order to help the addicted and their families.
Through Reformers Unanimous coming to his church Dr. Crabb became acquainted with RU’s Founder and President Steven Curington. God wonderfully developed a friendship between these two men and they began working together to minister to the addicted across our nation and even our world. Dr. Crabb currently practices Internal Medicine and Addiction Medicine in Naples, Florida.
He is a member of the American Society of Addiction Medicine and the American Osteopathic Academy of Addiction Medicine and the Christian Medical Dental Association. He continues to work very closely with RU as their Staff Physician and Medical Advisor. Dr. Crabb has authored numerous books on drug addiction, pornography and depression. Dr. Crabb actively travels putting on seminars and teaching and preaching from the Bible regarding the woes of addiction but more importantly the freedom an individual can have from their addiction through the Truth.
Dr. Ken Fielder

Dr. Ken Fielder serves as the Director of WorldView Ministries. With a focus on unreached people groups, we are committed both to the training of Bible translators and to the translation and publishing of Scriptures.
Dr. Mike Patterson

Dr. Mike Patterson was a Missionary to Mexico and the President Emeritus of Mount Abarim Baptist International ( Dr. Mike preached for over fifty years, serving the Lord as a missionary, church planter, and director of the Bethesda Children’s Homes in Tlapa, Gro. Mexico. Dr. Mike and Mrs. Becky Patterson are members of Worth Baptist Church.
Dr. O.S. Hawkins

Dr. Raymond Barber

Pastor Emeritus of Worth Baptist Church
Dr. Raymond Barber has been in the Gospel ministry for more than sixty years. He pastored Worth Baptist Church, Fort Worth, Texas for thirty-five years and now serves as Pastor Emeritus. Additionally, Dr. Barber has taught Bible college classes, founded the Independent Baptist Fellowship International and the Norris Bible Baptist Institute. He served as President of the Independent Baptist Fellowship International and the Norris Bible Baptist Institute for twelve years.
Currently is President Emeritus of the IBFI, serves on the Executive Board of the IBFI, and is chancellor of Crown Southwest Norris Seminary. He is a member of the Executive Board of the Sword of the Lord Foundation and the Mt. Abarim Baptist Evangelistic Association.
He is the author of several books, booklets, and pamphlets, among which are: What the Bible Teaches, A Dozen Diamonds from Daniel, Family Portraits, Family Success, Profile of a Preacher, Golden Moments with God, Heaven's Hymnbook.
Barber continues to travel extensively throughout the nation preaching in revival meetings, Bible conferences, mission conferences, Bible colleges, fellowship meetings, and gatherings such as the national Sword of the Lord conference and the national meeting of the Independent Baptist Fellowship International.
Dr. Scott Pauley

Scott Pauley was raised in the mountains of West Virginia. At a young age he came to know the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Savior. As a twelve year old boy God called him to be a preacher. He attended The Crown College in Powell, Tennessee, and upon graduation served in the ministry of the Temple Baptist Church as Director of Student Ministries.
From 2004 to 2015 he served as Vice President of Crown College and an assistant to Pastor Clarence Sexton at the Temple Baptist Church. Dr. Pauley now travels full time in evangelism. His passion is to preach the gospel and he has a burden to influence this generation for Christ. He and his wife Tammy have three children: Morgan, Lauren, and Grant. You can learn more about his ministry at Enjoying The Journey.
Dr. Terry Riggsby

Dr. R. Terry Riggsby, Senior Citizen's Minister of Worth Baptist Church
Dr. R. T. Riggsby served as Associate Pastor of Worth Baptist Church from 1999 to 2014. He and his wife, Peggy, have been members of Worth Baptist since 1984 when Bro. Riggsby came to Fort Worth, Texas, to begin the Norris Bible Baptist Institute, a ministry of the Independent Baptist Fellowship International.
Dr. Riggsby is currently serving as administrator/teacher of the Norris Bible Baptist Seminary. He served in that post from its inception in 1984 until 1999. During this time, he also served as Managing Editor of the "Searchlight" publication, and office manager of the IBFI. He became administrator again in 2014.
Prior to coming to Fort Worth, Bro. Riggsby, served as administrator and teacher of Calvary Baptist School in Holland, Michigan, which he began in 1978, and served on staff at Calvary Baptist Church for six years.
His first full-time ministry was at his home church, Dayton Baptist Temple, Dayton, Ohio, where he served as administrator and teacher as Temple Christian School, which he helped establish in 1967 and later served as administrator from 1974-1978.
Dr. Riggsby served in the public school system for ten years in his home town of Vandalia, Ohio, where he was teacher, assistant principal at the Morton Junior High for six years, and then became principal of the Vandalia Elementary School for four years.
He holds a Bachelor's Degree from Ohio University and Master's Degree from Wright State University. He was awarded an honorary Doctor's Degree from Louisiana Baptist University in 1997.
Bro. and Mrs. Riggsby were both saved in 1965 and have served the Lord in many capacities over the years. They have been in Sunday school work for thirty-eight years and currently teach the Liberty Sunday School class. They have four children, Mark, Amy, Rebekah, and Joshua and ten grand children, all of whom live in the Fort Worth area.
Dr. Tim Lee

United States Marine and Evangelist
To escape the world around him, he joined the Marine Corps in 1969. After his training, he received orders to serve in southeast Asia. In March of 1971, he was apprehended by the hand of God along an abandoned grassy trail in Quang Nam Province, Vietnam. In that moment, engulfed in smoke, fire and holy vengeance, a land mine explosion severed two lower limbs, and placed in a wheelchair for life a young man who was to carry, without legs, a message from God to a nation.
After his call to preach in 1973, and following a year of itinerant evangelistic preaching, Tim Lee pastored for five years in southern Illinois before surrendering to the full-time ministry of evangelism in 1979. The results in the lives of people was almost immediate as the former Marine began to stir and challenge God’s people across the country. People of all ages listened; among them teenagers, the professional person, United States Congressmen and Senators, Governors, Mayors and elected officials. They heard a clear, uncompromising message grounded deep in old fashioned patriotism, righteous living and biblical revival.
Dr. W. W. Weaver

Pastor of Worth Baptist Church
Dr. Willie W. Weaver was born in Fort Worth, Texas, but spent his formative years in Louisiana. He resides in Burleson with Carolyn, his wife of fifty years. God has blessed Dr. and Mrs. Weaver with two children and five grandchildren.
With a keen heart for missions, Dr. Weaver has always led strong, missions-minded churches known for innovative leadership of missions conferences. His desire is to continue pastoring, to win precious souls, and to take the Gospel to every creature.
Answering God's call thirty-five years ago, Dr. Weaver first pastored People's Baptist in Harrisburg, Virginia for seven years; then Calvary Baptist in Connersville, Indiana for twenty years, and beginning in 1997 through the present, Worth Baptist in Fort Worth, Texas. His local church background includes time as a youth director, and twenty and twenty-seven years in television and radio ministries respectively.
Dr. Weaver has served as Secretary, Vice-President and a three year term as President of the Independent Baptist Fellowship International (IBFI). He was also the President of the Norris Bible Baptist Institute (NBBI) for three years and has served as editor of the "Searchlight", the official publication for the IBFI. Dr. Weaver is presently an instructor at the Crown Southwest Norris Seminary, teaching various courses. He holds a B.D. degree from the Bible Baptist Seminary and an honorary D.D. from Louisiana Baptist University.
Dr. Weaver faithfully served as pastor of Worth Baptist Church from 1997 to 2015.
Evangelist Adrian Burden

ADRIAN Originally from Morehead City, NC, Adrian Burden was saved in a junior service at Grace Baptist Church and completed his education in their Christian school. At the age of 16, while at The Wilds Christian Camp, God called him to preach. He followed God’s call to Pensacola Christian College, from which he graduated with an undergraduate degree in ’06 and a Master’s in Biblical Exposition and in ‘08.
Along the way, Adrian counseled at the Bill Rice Ranch and traveled with a ministry called Truth Alive, both ofwhich provided invaluable experience with youth and teen ministry. He also spent three years assisting a church planting ministry in Mobile, AL, under Pastor Chester Keith. Thanks to this practical experience, he can now run a VBS, a teen rally, or a Sunday service with equal proficiency.
Upon graduation, Adrian set out with just $36 in his bank account and a booking for one solitary meeting in South Dakota. Since then, God has provided. Rather than cold-calling churches to introduce themselves, the family prays that their ministry will prompt pastors to refer them to other places where their gifts may be used.
Domestic and international camp work, vacation Bible schools, youth campaigns and conferences, revival services, back-to-school revivals, hosting mission trips, overseas youth ministry—God has opened all these avenues and more for Burden Ministries to invest in this generation. For the majority of their meetings, they travel as a family, just thrilled to serve the Lord together!
Evangelism is needed everywhere; and in 2015, God placed it on the family’s hearts to learn Spanish. Adrian, Tabitha, and the girls have been blessed to impact the Spanish speaking community, both at home and overseas!
Evangelist Andrew Johnson

Evangelist Andrew Johnson launched into full-time music evangelism in December 2019 after serving 11 years on staff as the Music Minister for Worth Baptist Church. Since that time, the Gospel ministry has taken him and his family all over the country preaching, teaching, and training others with their unique blend of church music.
Evangelist Benjamin Burks

Evangelist Benjamin Burks
Evangelist Burks is a Bible school graduate and has worked as an Assistant Pastor, Senior Pastor, and Staff Evangelist. He has been in ministry since 1984, and has watched through the years as family, friends, and acquaintances have had their lives wrecked because of the many addictions that Satan uses to destroy lives. He has seen the destruction up close and from afar, and grew tired of watching lives and families destroyed. God has given to him a burden and a tool to help people who are held captive by their addictions and stubborn habits. “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32)
Evangelist Dave Young

Evangelist Eric Goetsch

Evangelist Eric Goetsch
Eric serve as a Bible teacher and the founder of Onward Ministries. He travels the country, with his family (Lexa, Mason, Logan, and Jude), transparently preaching the Bible expositionally in its cultural context while practically applying the text through its authoritative intent. He firmly believes this is the kind of preaching that God desires to use to transform the world, one life at a time.
Evangelist Taylor Gillaspie
Taylor Gillaspie was born and raised in Cleburne, TX. He was brought up in a Christian home and attended public school. He accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour when he was eight years old at his church. As a teenager, he began distancing himself from God, his parents and his church. At sixteen, he returned to the Lord and began to grow spiritually, serve at his church and witness at his public high school. A year later he was called to preach. Through Bible college and summer ministries God confirmed in his heart the specific call to full-time evangelism and revival work. Today he travels the country preaching the Bible in churches, Christian schools and camps. Taylor and his wife, Jessica, have been married for five years and are sent out of Gospel Light Baptist Church in Rogers, AR.
Pastor Tyler Gillit

Pastor, Worth Baptist Church
Pastor Tyler Gillit was called to be Worth’s Senior Pastor in January of 2016 after he served on staff for eight years. During that time, he served as the Youth Pastor and Associate Pastor, founded the WBC chapter of Reformers Unanimous, and developed our short-term missions program.
Pastor Gillit graduated with a Bachelor of Biblical Studies Degree from The Crown College in 2006 and a Master of Ministries Degree from Crown Seminary in 2007. He and Tori were married in 2006 and they have two children, Will and Anna. He is passionate about expository preaching and making disciples in Fort Worth and around the world.
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