Bro. Don McMillan

Donald Beckton McMillan was born November 2, 1938, in Greensboro, Alabama. Having felt God calling him to a life of Christian service he entered Arlington Baptist College. Upon completing his studies, he received a Bachelor of Science degree on May 13, 1976. On June 27, 1976, Don was ordained to the Gospel ministry by Worth Baptist Church. That same year he was formally approved by the World Baptist Fellowship missions committee for missionary work in Brazil. Two years later, Don and family went to Brazil to begin their ministry there.

During these years of ministry, much has been accomplished. Many have heard the gospel of saving grace, received the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior, and been baptized. Two local churches have been established with many growing up in the faith. Sunday School teachers and men who can preach have been taught and trained to do the works of the Lord Jesus. Bible School, and Home Bible Courses have been used to help many in their spiritual growth.

Many have been saved and have grown spiritually because of the camp ministry. Preaching points and help to others in the ministry have resulted in souls being saved and growing in grace.

In 1984, the Don McMillan family became affiliated with the Independent Baptist Fellowship International and have remained faithful to mission work. Don and Flo have 6 children.

Flo is currently residing in Tennessee.  She continue to be active in ministry here in the States and as a help to the works in Brazil.

Don passed into glory on Saturday, October 22, 2016.

  • Sunday Evenings
    Speakers: Bro. Alan Harris , Bro. Bill Barber , Bro. Bill Prater , Bro. Bill Smith , Bro. Bob Mann , Bro. Bobby Brown , Bro. Chase Whitten , Bro. Cory McGuire , Bro. Damon McGuire , Bro. Danny Jones , Bro. David Frazie , Bro. Don McMillan , Bro. Doug Wyler , Bro. Earl Sides , Bro. Gabe Ruhl , Bro. Glenn Phipps , Bro. Harold Gilmer , Bro. Jerry Ferrso , Bro. Joshua Marquardt , Bro. Kenneth Ralph , Bro. Kirk Kirkland , Bro. Larry Norman , Bro. Lloyd William , Bro. Mark Fowler , Bro. Mark Herbster , Bro. Micah Herbster , Bro. Mike Herbster , Bro. Nathan Howard , Bro. Paul Gaymon , Bro. Steve Earlywine , Bro. Steve Lindsey , Bro. Steve Volante , Bro. Taylor Gillaspie , Bro. Tony Applegate , Bro. Tony Roa , Bro. Tony Sengmany , Bro. Zachary Gillit , Dr. Al Reichman , Dr. Bill Patterson , Dr. Charles Keen , Dr. Charles Wetherbee , Dr. Clyde Box , Dr. Dan Knickerbocker , Dr. David Anderson , Dr. David Gibbs III , Dr. Don Sisk , Dr. Don Smith , Dr. George Crabb , Dr. J. C. House , Dr. Jim Schettler , Dr. John Collier , Dr. Jon Lands , Dr. Jonathan Stewart , Dr. Ken Fielder , Dr. Mark Rasmussen , Dr. Mike Edwards , Dr. Mike Patterson , Dr. R.B. Oulette , Dr. Raymond Barber , Dr. Roger Green , Dr. Ron Maggard , Dr. Scott Pauley , Dr. Terry Riggsby , Dr. Tim Lee , Dr. Tom Wallace , Dr. W. W. Weaver , Evangelist Adrian Burden , Evangelist Andrew Johnson , Evangelist Ben Everson , Evangelist Benjamin Burks , Evangelist Caleb Garraway , Evangelist Dave Young , Evangelist Eric Goetsch , Evangelist Morris Gleiser , Evangelist Sam Wood , Evangelist Taylor Gillaspie , Pastor Paul Bolivar , Pastor Tyler Gillit