Worth Baptist Church

Worth Baptist Church holds worship services on Sunday mornings (11:00am CST), Sunday evenings (6:00pm CST), and Wednesday evenings (7:00pm CST) throughout the calendar year.

  • Approaching God with Praise
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 32:28 | Scripture: Matthew 6:9; Galatians 4:4-7 11-14-2011
  • The Contemporary Compromised is not an Event but an Evolution
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 43:08 | Scripture: Proverbs 22:28 11-13-2011
  • Who is Ahithophel? A Portrait of Bitterness
    Speaker: Dr. Jim Schettler | Duration: 53:02 11-11-2011
  • Repentance and Obedience are the Ways of Blessing
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 38:01 | Scripture: Hosea 14 11-09-2011
  • Road Map for Prayer
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 29:35 | Scripture: James 4:2 10-30-2011
  • The Testimony of the Word of God
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 39:09 | Scripture: Psalm 12:6-7; Psalm 18:30 10-30-2011
  • Be Persistent in Prayer
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 29:08 | Scripture: Luke 11:5-8; Luke 18:1-8 10-23-2011
  • Our Thinking
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 28:56 | Scripture: Proverbs 23 10-23-2011
  • Our Spiritual Blessings
    Speaker: Pastor Tyler Gillit | Duration: 32:25 | Scripture: Ephesians 1:3-14 10-12-2011
  • Too Busy Not to Pray
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 36:21 | Scripture: Mark 1:28-35 10-09-2011
  • We Need to Prepare for Revival Meeting
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 31:46 | Scripture: Habakkuk 3:1-2 10-09-2011
  • Ephraim's Idolatry
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 32:25 | Scripture: Hosea 13 10-05-2011
  • The Adventure of Prayer
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 27:51 | Scripture: Matthew 7:7-11 10-02-2011
  • Christ is a Friend that Sticketh Closer than a Brother
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 24:34 | Scripture: Proverbs 18:24 10-02-2011
  • Backsliding Christian
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 36:31 | Scripture: Hosea 12 09-28-2011
  • Count It All Joy
    Speaker: Bro. Mark Fowler | Duration: 32:34 | Scripture: James 1 09-25-2011
  • The Blessed Hope
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 23:15 | Scripture: Titus 2:11-13 09-25-2011
  • Love Finds the Way
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 26:55 | Scripture: Hosea 11 09-21-2011
  • Remember Jesus
    Speaker: Dr. Raymond Barber | Duration: 33:06 | Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:8 09-18-2011
  • Joy of Justification
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 27:29 | Scripture: Romans 5:1-10 09-18-2011