Worth Baptist Church

Worth Baptist Church holds worship services on Sunday mornings (11:00am CST), Sunday evenings (6:00pm CST), and Wednesday evenings (7:00pm CST) throughout the calendar year.

  • Praying for Protection and Seeking Safety from Harm
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 33:42 | Scripture: Matthew 6:9-13 01-08-2012
  • Unwrapping Your Gifts
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 33:10 | Scripture: Ephesians 4:11-16 01-08-2012
  • Sewing and Reaping
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 30:29 | Scripture: Amos 1 01-04-2012
  • Self-denial and Faithfulness unto Death
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 40:33 | Scripture: Revelation 2:10 01-01-2012
  • Vision for Future
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 21:34 | Scripture: 2 Kings 13:20 12-28-2011
  • Discovering the True Identity of Jesus
    Speaker: Dr. Raymond Barber | Duration: 23:06 | Scripture: Genesis 3:15 12-25-2011
  • The Story of the Wise Men
    Speaker: Dr. Raymond Barber | Duration: 35:38 | Scripture: Matthew 2:1-12 12-25-2011
  • The Great Miracle
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 13:27 | Scripture: Matthew 1:18-21 12-18-2011
  • The Only Begotten of the Father
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 27:03 | Scripture: 1 John 4:7-9 12-18-2011
  • Adoption
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 15:22 | Scripture: Romans 8:14-16 12-11-2011
  • The Christian's Christmas Message
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 35:44 | Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:18-19 12-11-2011
  • The Judgment of All Nations
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 28:10 | Scripture: Joel 3 12-07-2011
  • Living in the Joy of Forgiveness
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 31:41 | Scripture: Matthew 6:9-12 12-04-2011
  • The Virgin Birth and the Second Coming of Christ
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 27:29 | Scripture: Isaiah 7:11-16 12-04-2011
  • The Day of The Lord
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 31:16 | Scripture: Joel 2 11-30-2011
  • Provision Asking for What We Need
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 30:24 | Scripture: Matthew 6:9-10 11-27-2011
  • Satan Always Targets the Truth
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 36:59 | Scripture: Isaiah 59:3-14 11-27-2011
  • Aligning Our Will with God's Will
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 30:33 | Scripture: Matthew 6:10 11-20-2011
  • Satan is Master of Deceit
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 39:53 | Scripture: 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 11-20-2011
  • Joel Declares God's Judgments
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 29:52 | Scripture: Joel 1 11-16-2011