Sermons from 2020

A Survival Guide for the End of the World, Part 1

Daniel 12:1-3

Pastor Tyler Gillit, Series: Daniel: Wisdom for Winning in Babylon, A Survival Guide for the End of the World - Part 1, Daniel 12:1-3, Sunday Morning, 03/23/2025

Six Principles for Remaining Faithful and Fruitful in the Troubling Times:

1. Prepare Yourself - Brace for the Storm - It's Coming (Daniel 12:1)

2. Your Name is Known and You are Precious to Him - Live with the End in View (Daniel 12:2-3)

  • The resurrection of Jesus Christ
  • The resurrection of the saved when Jesus Christ returns for his church
  • The resurrection of the tribulation saints at the end of the tribulation

The Great White Throne of Judgment - after the thousand year reign of Jesus Christ prior to the lost being cast into the lake of fire

The Judgement Seat of the Righteous - salvation is free but rewards are earned - there will be a special reward for those that turn others to righteousness

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