Audio Archives (since 1963)

Doctrine of the Second Coming

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Dr. W. W. Weaver, Series: Bible Doctrine, Doctrine of the Second Coming, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, Sanctuary Class, 7/11/2021


1. The second coming is one of the most prominent doctrines.
2. It is the blessed hope of the church.
3. It is a doctrine of great comfort.
4. It will be a personal and visible return.
5. It will mean the resurrection from the dead of all saints.
6. It will mean the living Christians will be changed and caught up.
7. The days before the second coming are compared to the days of Noah and Lot.
8. The time of the second coming is not known to man.
9. A period of world-wide mockery will precede the second coming.

Summary: All prophecies in the Scripture concerning His coming have already been fulfilled. His return will mark the end of the church age, which will be followed by the tribulation period of seven years. Following the tribulation, Jesus will come in glory with his saints to establish His kingdom of a thousand years (millennium). The phase of His second coming is known as His "coming in glory" or as His "revelation".

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