Evangelist Adrian Burden

ADRIAN Originally from Morehead City, NC, Adrian Burden was saved in a junior service at Grace Baptist Church and completed his education in their Christian school. At the age of 16, while at The Wilds Christian Camp, God called him to preach. He followed God’s call to Pensacola Christian College, from which he graduated with an undergraduate degree in ’06 and a Master’s in Biblical Exposition and in ‘08.

Along the way, Adrian counseled at the Bill Rice Ranch and traveled with a ministry called Truth Alive, both ofwhich provided invaluable experience with youth and teen ministry. He also spent three years assisting a church planting ministry in Mobile, AL, under Pastor Chester Keith. Thanks to this practical experience, he can now run a VBS, a teen rally, or a Sunday service with equal proficiency.

Upon graduation, Adrian set out with just $36 in his bank account and a booking for one solitary meeting in South Dakota. Since then, God has provided. Rather than cold-calling churches to introduce themselves, the family prays that their ministry will prompt pastors to refer them to other places where their gifts may be used.

Domestic and international camp work, vacation Bible schools, youth campaigns and conferences, revival services, back-to-school revivals, hosting mission trips, overseas youth ministry—God has opened all these avenues and more for Burden Ministries to invest in this generation. For the majority of their meetings, they travel as a family, just thrilled to serve the Lord together!

Evangelism is needed everywhere; and in 2015, God placed it on the family’s hearts to learn Spanish. Adrian, Tabitha, and the girls have been blessed to impact the Spanish speaking community, both at home and overseas!


  • Sunday Mornings
    Speakers: Bro. Anthony Gordon , Bro. Ben Farrell , Bro. Bill Prater , Bro. Bob Barber , Bro. Bobby Brown , Bro. Daniel Van Gelderen , Bro. David Frazie , Bro. David Pugh , Bro. Gabe Ruhl , Bro. Larry Norman , Bro. Mark Fowler , Bro. Mike Cinereski , Bro. Steve Volante , Bro. Taylor Gillaspie , Bro. Tony Sengmany , Bro. Will Cover , Dr. Al Reichman , Dr. Bill Patterson , Dr. Charles Keen , Dr. Charles Wetherbee , Dr. Clyde Box , Dr. Dan Knickerbocker , Dr. Don Sisk , Dr. Gary Coleman , Dr. Gene Burge , Dr. George Crabb , Dr. Jim Schettler , Dr. Jon Lands , Dr. Ken Fielder , Dr. Mike Edwards , Dr. Mike Patterson , Dr. O.S. Hawkins , Dr. Raymond Barber , Dr. Roger Green , Dr. Scott Pauley , Dr. Terry Riggsby , Dr. Tim Lee , Dr. Tom Wallace , Dr. W. W. Weaver , Evangelist Adrian Burden , Evangelist Andrew Johnson , Evangelist Benjamin Burks , Evangelist Byron Foxx , Evangelist Caleb Garraway , Evangelist Dave Young , Evangelist Eric Goetsch , Evangelist Morris Gleiser , Evangelist Sam Wood , Evangelist Taylor Gillaspie , Pastor Tyler Gillit , Rev. Troy Todd
  • Sunday Evenings
    Speakers: Bro. Alan Harris , Bro. Bill Barber , Bro. Bill Prater , Bro. Bill Smith , Bro. Bob Mann , Bro. Bobby Brown , Bro. Chase Whitten , Bro. Cory McGuire , Bro. Damon McGuire , Bro. Danny Jones , Bro. David Frazie , Bro. Don McMillan , Bro. Doug Wyler , Bro. Earl Sides , Bro. Gabe Ruhl , Bro. Glenn Phipps , Bro. Harold Gilmer , Bro. Jerry Ferrso , Bro. Joshua Marquardt , Bro. Kenneth Ralph , Bro. Kirk Kirkland , Bro. Larry Norman , Bro. Lloyd William , Bro. Mark Fowler , Bro. Mark Herbster , Bro. Micah Herbster , Bro. Mike Herbster , Bro. Nathan Howard , Bro. Paul Gaymon , Bro. Steve Earlywine , Bro. Steve Lindsey , Bro. Steve Volante , Bro. Taylor Gillaspie , Bro. Tony Applegate , Bro. Tony Roa , Bro. Tony Sengmany , Bro. Zachary Gillit , Dr. Al Reichman , Dr. Bill Patterson , Dr. Charles Keen , Dr. Charles Wetherbee , Dr. Clyde Box , Dr. Dan Knickerbocker , Dr. David Anderson , Dr. David Gibbs III , Dr. Don Sisk , Dr. Don Smith , Dr. Gary Coleman , Dr. George Crabb , Dr. J. C. House , Dr. Jim Schettler , Dr. John Collier , Dr. Jon Lands , Dr. Jonathan Stewart , Dr. Ken Fielder , Dr. Mark Rasmussen , Dr. Mike Edwards , Dr. Mike Patterson , Dr. R.B. Oulette , Dr. Raymond Barber , Dr. Roger Green , Dr. Ron Maggard , Dr. Scott Pauley , Dr. Terry Riggsby , Dr. Tim Lee , Dr. Tom Wallace , Dr. W. W. Weaver , Evangelist Adrian Burden , Evangelist Andrew Johnson , Evangelist Ben Everson , Evangelist Benjamin Burks , Evangelist Caleb Garraway , Evangelist Dave Young , Evangelist Eric Goetsch , Evangelist Morris Gleiser , Evangelist Sam Wood , Evangelist Taylor Gillaspie , Pastor Paul Bolivar , Pastor Tyler Gillit