Sermon Audio

Pray for Revival

2 Chronicles 7:14

Pastor Tyler Gillit, Pray for Revival , 2 Chronicles 7:14, Sunday Evening, 10/6/2019



10 ways we know we need revival:

  1. When we do not love Jesus as we once did

  2. When we would rather watch TV or surf social media or really do anything else rather than spend time in God's presence through prayer and Bible reading.

  3. When our worship is lifeless and half-hearted.

  4. When we tolerate open sin in our lives, in our homes, and in our churches.

  5. When church services are predictable and "business as usual."

  6. When our children are growing up to adapt worldly values and ungodly lifestyles.

  7. When church dinners are better attended than church prayer meetings.

  8. When we have not given the gospel to someone in some time and it doesn't bother us.

  9. When we are unmoved by the thought of billions who have never heard the gospel.

  10. When we are blind to the extent of our great need for it and we don't think we need it.


What would it look like to have revival?
  1. An awareness of God's presence
  2. Responsiveness to God's Word
  3. Confession of Sin
  4. An explosion of evangelism

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