Sermon Audio

Christ-Centered Leadership

Colossians 1:17-18

Pastor Tyler Gillit, Series: Characteristics of a Christ-Centered Life, Christ-Centered Leadership, Colossians 1:17-18, Sunday Evening, 8/18/2019

I. The church is ruled by Jesus Christ
  A. He purchased the church
  B. He populates the church
  C. He presides over the church
     *If Christ is the Head of the church:
         -His Word is Supreme
         -His mission is Central
II. The church is governed by the congregation
III. The church is lead by the Pastor
  A. The Pastor is to take the oversight
  B. The Pastor is to model the character of Christ
  C. The Pastor is to preach and teach the Word
  D. The Pastor is to care for the flock
IV. The church is served by the Deacons
  A. Deacons meet physical needs according to the Word
  B. Deacons support the ministry of the Word
  C. Deacons unify the church around the Word
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