Sermon Audio

Pray for the Persecuted Church

Acts 4:1-28

Pastor Tyler Gillit, Pray for the Persecuted Church, Acts 4:1-28, Sunday Evening, 4/28/2019

What to do during persecution?
 - Pray (29-30)
  > "Behold their threatenings" 
  > "Grant boldness to your servants"
  > "Empower your word"
1. Expect the earth to shake (31)
 – Not literally, Heaven will listen and God will work and miracles will happen
2. Expect the Spirit to fill (31)
 – the power of God is for the purpose of God 
 – When we live for His purpose, we can expect His power
3. Expect the mission to multiply (31)
 – When we pray for boldness, God will answer
4. Expect the church to be together (32)
 – When people are living for the mission, they don’t have time to be divided by petty differences
What can we do?
 1. Pray
 2. Work
 3. Pay attention to it
 4. Use our influence to fight for religious liberty
 5. Boldly share the Gospel in our contexts
 6. Sacrificially give to missions 
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