Sermon Audio
The Marks of a Powerful Church
Pastor Tyler Gillit, Series: The Big Picture, The Marks of a Powerful Church, Acts 3:1-11, Sunday Morning, 11/25/2018
I. They were concerned about the needs of one man (v. 1-7)
A. A Simple Progression
1. They saw the hurt
2. They felt the hurt
3. They touched the hurt
B. A Scriptural Principle (Acts 2:41)(Acts 4:4)
1. "Those who are the most effective at reaching the many are the most passionate about reaching the one."
II. They were consumed with the name of Jesus (Acts 3:12-16; 4:12;18-30)
A. They knew His person
B. They trusted His power
C. They showed His presence.
III. They were committed to the glory of God. (8-13)
A. When God sends a blessing down, we should send a blessing up.
B. God is still looking for a people that will give all the credit back to Him.
C. Powerful churches consist of powerful Christians.