Sermon Audio

Walk with Christ

Matthew 6:19-34

Bro. Sam Davison, Walk with Christ, Matthew 6:19-34, Sunday Evening, 11/4/2018


 I. Distractions from our Walk with Christ
   A. Things of this world

 II. Disciples are malfocused
  A. Not seeing clearly
    1. The single eye: healthy, whole
    2. The evil eye: is full of darkness
  A. Get hurt
  B. On their necessities
    1. Worrying about eat, drink, & clothing
  A. What everyone(Gentiles) worry about
    2. Jesus prepares them for the high level purpose of God
  A. Ephesians 2; that everyone might here the Gospel

 III. Cannot be "here" and "there" @ the same time
  A. "Ye cannot serve God and mammon"-v. 24c


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