Audio Archives (since 1963)

Why I Must Be Involved in Missions

John 4:4-15

Dr. Bill Patterson, Why I Must Be Involved in Missions, John 4:4-15, Sunday Morning, 8/29/2021


I. God Commands Us to Get Involved (Matthew 28:18-20) (John 20:21)
  A. God sends us to places we do not like (Acts 1:8)
  B. God sends us to people who are unkind (John 4:9)
  C. God sends us to teach truth contrary to what they believe (John 4:20-21)

II. God Uses Us When We Get Involved (John 4:16-26) (Acts 1:8)
  A. God seeks willing people and empowers them
  B. God does not use people who are unwilling
  C. God enables and empowers those who want to serve Him

III. God Blesses Us When We Get Involved (John 4:39-42) (Joshua 1:8-9)
  A. God allows great and eternal blessings that are far greater than we can imagine
  B. God makes our work have a greater impact than what we can imagine

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Hits: 2019