Audio Archives (since 1963)
Bro. Tony Sengmany, Others, Philippians 2:1-8, Sunday Evening, 10/27/2019
I. The Philosophy for Christian Living
A. Jesus first (Philippians 1:21)
II. The Pattern for Christian Living
A. Jesus first, others next (Philippians 2:3 & 5)
III. Have the Mind of Jesus
A. Serve others (John 13:1-6)
B. Give to others (Matthew 14:15)
C. Pray for others (Luke 22:31)
D. Help others (John 9)
E. Spoke to others (John 8:4-12)
F. Forgave others (Luke 23:34)
G. Worked with others (Luke 19:1-10)
IV. How to have JOY?
A. Jesus, Others, You
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