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Authentic Truth
Pastor Tyler Gillit, Series: The Authentic Christ, Authentic Truth, Matthew 11:28-30, Sunday Morning, 10/6/2019
I. Come to Me (Mathew 11:28-30)
- What does it mean to come to Jesus? It means to believe in Him.
- Who can come to Jesus? All ye who are weary and heavy laden.
- How do they come? They learn of him and take on His yoke.
- Why do they come? They can find rest for their souls.
II. Follow Me (Luke 9:22-26)
1. Deny Himself
2. Take up your cross daily
3. Follow me
III. Abide in Me (John 15:4-5)
- One characteristic that defined the preaching style of Jesus was His masterful use of illustrations. A yoke, a cross, a vine. Three things the people in that time knew well.
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