Audio Archives (since 1963)
To Seek and to Save
Pastor Tyler Gillit, To Seek and to Save, Luke 19:1-10, Sunday Morning, 2/17/2019
1. The Sinner (1-4)
A. His Position (2)
B. His Passion (3)
C. His Problem (3)
D. His Plan (4)
1. He climbed a tree.
2. He got above the crowd.
2. The Savior (5)
A. He saw me.
B. He knew me.
C. He wanted me.
3. The Salvation (6-9)
A. The reception
1. He received Jesus quickly
2. He received Jesus obediently
3. He received Jesus joyfully
B. The rejection (7)
C. The repentance (8)
1. The order of the repentance
2. The completeness of the repentance
D. The Revelation (9)
4. The Statement (10)
Hits: 1295