Audio Archives (since 1963)
The Greatest Word in All of the Bible
Pastor Tyler Gillit, Series: The Big Picture, The Greatest Word in All of the Bible, John 19:16-18; 28-30, Sunday Morning, 11/11/2018
I. The Translations of the Word
A. Comes from the Greek word "telos"
1. Jesus made an end of our sin
II. The Tense of the Word
A. In the perfect tense
1. It was finished, but stands finished today, and is always finished.
III. The Treatment of the Word
A. A servant's word
B. A artist's word
C. A priest's word
D. A debtor's word
IV. What was finished or accomplished on the cross?
A. The Prophecies of Scripture (v. 30a; Ps. 69:21)
B. The Pain of Suffering
1. Physical/Mental
2. Spiritual
C. The Price of Sin
D. The Power of Satan
Hits: 1982