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Holy Hungers: A Hunger for God's Word

1 Peter 2:2

Pastor Tyler Gillit, Holy Hungers: A Hunger for God's Word, I Peter 2:2, Sunday Morning, 7/30/2017

I. I believe these convictions
   A. God's word is sufficient for my growth
     1. God's word makes us wise unto salvation
     2. God's word is sufficient for doctrine 
     3. God's word is sufficient for correction and 
   B. God's word is necessary for my growth
     1. The Bible shows me Who God is
     2. The Bible shows me who I am
II. Obey these commands   
    A. Hear the Word
    B. Read the Word
    C. Study the Word
    D. Memorize the Word
    E. Meditate on the Word
III. Weigh these considerations
    A. Ask God to meet you there
    B. Work a plan
    C. Take your daily meds (Scriptures)
    D. Share you insights
Hits: 1936