Worth Baptist Church

Worth Baptist Church holds worship services on Sunday mornings (11:00am CST), Sunday evenings (6:00pm CST), and Wednesday evenings (7:00pm CST) throughout the calendar year.

  • Learning Contentment
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 32:39 | Scripture: Philippians 4:10-19 03-05-2023
  • Grace is for Everyone
    Speaker: Pastor Tyler Gillit | Duration: 33:26 | Scripture: Luke 7:36-50 03-01-2023
  • Written in the Dust
    Speaker: Evangelist Eric Goetsch | Duration: 42:57 | Scripture: John 8:1-11 02-26-2023
  • The Source of Living Water
    Speaker: Evangelist Eric Goetsch | Duration: 38:52 | Scripture: John 8:1-11 02-26-2023
  • Living With Your Circumstances
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 28:06 | Scripture: Philippians 4:6-9 02-26-2023
  • Young and Old Alike
    Speaker: Pastor Tyler Gillit | Duration: 31:19 | Scripture: Ecclesiastes 11:7-12:8 02-22-2023
  • Why Should I Use Gospel Tracts
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 33:53 | Scripture: Romans 1:16 02-19-2023
  • The Failure and Restoration of Peter
    Speaker: Pastor Tyler Gillit | Duration: 36:32 | Scripture: Mark 14:29-31; Mark 14:53-54; Mark 14:66-72 02-19-2023
  • Loving Your Co-Laborers
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 26:13 | Scripture: Philippians 4:1-5 02-19-2023
  • You Never Know
    Speaker: Pastor Tyler Gillit | Duration: 31:30 | Scripture: Ecclesiastes 9:1-6 02-15-2023
  • Treasures in Earthen Vessels
    Speaker: Dr. Jon Lands | Duration: 37:35 | Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:4-7 02-12-2023
  • The Trial of Jesus
    Speaker: Pastor Tyler Gillit | Duration: 36:34 | Scripture: Mark 14:53-65 02-12-2023
  • A Moment With Dr. Raymond Barber (2023-02-12)
    Speaker: Dr. Raymond Barber | Duration: 01:05 02-12-2023
  • The Objective of Our Journey
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 34:03 | Scripture: Philippians 3:10; Philippians 3:20-21 02-12-2023
  • How To Be a Fool
    Speaker: Pastor Tyler Gillit | Duration: 33:06 | Scripture: Ecclesiastes 10:1-20 02-08-2023
  • Why Plant a Church?
    Speaker: Pastor Tyler Gillit | Duration: 44:13 | Scripture: John 12:23-29 02-05-2023
  • The Arrest of Jesus
    Speaker: Pastor Tyler Gillit | Duration: 32:10 | Scripture: Mark 14:43-52 02-05-2023
  • The Obtaining of Our Justification
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 35:03 | Scripture: Philippians 3:3-9 02-05-2023
  • The Cup
    Speaker: Pastor Tyler Gillit | Duration: 32:15 | Scripture: Mark 14:32-42 01-29-2023
  • Questions and Answers from Psalm 24
    Speaker: Dr. Raymond Barber | Duration: 32:01 | Scripture: Psalm 24 01-29-2023