Worth Baptist Church

Worth Baptist Church holds worship services on Sunday mornings (11:00am CST), Sunday evenings (6:00pm CST), and Wednesday evenings (7:00pm CST) throughout the calendar year.

  • The Gospel According to Paul to Philippians
    Speaker: Bro. Danny Jones | Duration: 33:14 | Scripture: Philippians 1:3-5 02-06-2013
  • The Joy of Approaching God With Faith
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 32:05 | Scripture: Hebrews 11:1-6 02-03-2013
  • The Ignorance of Idolatry
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 35:46 | Scripture: Habakkuk 2:18-20 01-30-2013
  • Faithfulness
    Speaker: Dr. Clyde Box | Duration: 28:56 | Scripture: Proverbs 20:6 01-27-2013
  • Different Levels of Motivation
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 24:38 | Scripture: John 21:15-17 01-27-2013
  • Alcohol and Idols
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 33:00 | Scripture: Habakkuk 2:15-20 01-23-2013
  • Stewardship
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 34:03 | Scripture: Matthew 24:45-47 01-20-2013
  • Does God Have Needs?
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 34:15 | Scripture: Acts 2:41-45 01-16-2013
  • The Great Commission
    Speaker: Dr. Raymond Barber | Duration: 41:31 | Scripture: Matthew 28:18-20 01-16-2013
  • Abraham's Mission
    Speaker: Dr. Mike Patterson | Duration: 44:19 | Scripture: Genesis 12:1-3 01-14-2013
  • The Tasks that Set Before Us
    Speaker: Dr. Mike Patterson | Duration: 29:58 | Scripture: Mark 6:34-44 01-13-2013
  • Who Have You Influenced to Live a Great Life
    Speaker: Bro. Steve Volante | Duration: 38:23 | Scripture: Joshua 23:1-6 01-13-2013
  • The Peril of Pride
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 30:08 | Scripture: Habakkuk 2:4-8 01-09-2013
  • Prayer
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 26:21 | Scripture: Jeremiah 33:1-3 01-06-2013
  • The Danger of Drifting
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 38:19 | Scripture: Hebrews 2:1-4 01-06-2013
  • The Story of the Wise Men
    Speaker: Bro. Darrain Coker | Duration: 37:18 | Scripture: Matthew 2:1-12 01-02-2013
  • Thou Crownest the Year with thy Goodness
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 26:47 | Scripture: Psalm 65:11 12-30-2012
  • Following Over The Spiritual Cliff
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 41:45 | Scripture: Matthew 5:13-16 12-30-2012
  • The Christian's Celebration of Christmas
    Speaker: Dr. Raymond Barber | Duration: 30:33 | Scripture: Luke 2:15-20 12-23-2012
  • The Birth of the Savior
    Speaker: Dr. Raymond Barber | Duration: 38:29 | Scripture: Matthew 2:1-2 12-23-2012