Worth Baptist Church

Worth Baptist Church holds worship services on Sunday mornings (11:00am CST), Sunday evenings (6:00pm CST), and Wednesday evenings (7:00pm CST) throughout the calendar year.

  • The Greatest Commission
    Speaker: Bro. Jerry Ferrso | Duration: 40:18 | Scripture: Matthew 28:18-20 02-26-2017
  • Fruit That Remains
    Speaker: Bro. Jerry Ferrso | Duration: 48:14 | Scripture: John 15 02-26-2017
  • The Faith of Abraham
    Speaker: Pastor Tyler Gillit | Duration: 42:11 | Scripture: Genesis 12:4-9; Hebrews 11:8-10 02-26-2017
  • The First Resurrection
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 31:05 | Scripture: Revelation 20:1-15 02-26-2017
  • A Case Study In Bitterness
    Speaker: Pastor Tyler Gillit | Duration: 39:29 | Scripture: Ruth 1:19-22 02-22-2017
  • The Day the Fire Fell
    Speaker: Pastor Tyler Gillit | Duration: 40:39 | Scripture: Acts 2:1-13 02-19-2017
  • A Worldwide Blessing?
    Speaker: Pastor Tyler Gillit | Duration: 39:03 | Scripture: Genesis 11:27-12:4 02-19-2017
  • The Second Coming of Christ
    Speaker: Dr. W. W. Weaver | Duration: 34:03 | Scripture: Revelation 19 02-19-2017
  • I Have Decided
    Speaker: Pastor Tyler Gillit | Duration: 39:38 | Scripture: Ruth 1:6-19 02-15-2017
  • Kindling the Fire
    Speaker: Pastor Tyler Gillit | Duration: 44:01 | Scripture: Acts 1 02-12-2017
  • The Prodigal Son
    Speaker: Pastor Tyler Gillit | Duration: 30:27 | Scripture: Luke 15:11-32 02-12-2017
  • The Life of David : How To Be A Failure
    Speaker: Pastor Tyler Gillit | Duration: 31:03 | Scripture: 1 Samuel 15 02-12-2017
  • The Misery of Moab
    Speaker: Pastor Tyler Gillit | Duration: 35:27 | Scripture: Ruth 1:1-5 02-08-2017
  • What's really wrong with the world today?
    Speaker: Pastor Tyler Gillit | Duration: 37:26 | Scripture: Romans 1:18-32 02-05-2017
  • Make Disciples: Sending
    Speaker: Pastor Tyler Gillit | Duration: 35:02 | Scripture: Matthew 4:18-20 02-05-2017
  • The Life of David
    Speaker: Pastor Tyler Gillit | Duration: 28:32 | Scripture: 1 Samuel 13 02-05-2017
  • There Was No King
    Speaker: Pastor Tyler Gillit | Duration: 36:48 | Scripture: Judges 19:1-21:25 02-01-2017
  • Do You Have The Mind Of Christ?
    Speaker: Dr. Bob Wallace | Duration: 23:36 | Scripture: Philippians 2:5-8 01-29-2017
  • Make Disciples: Growing
    Speaker: Pastor Tyler Gillit | Duration: 30:43 | Scripture: Matthew 14:18-20 01-29-2017
  • Seeing Jesus Like Paul
    Speaker: Bro. Anthony Gordon | Duration: 25:56 | Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:8-9 01-29-2017